This evening I walked around Fewston reservoir, I like it here for many reasons but mainly the benches. Yep, you heard me the wooden benches that sit every 100 yards or so. I love to read the plaques and think some people really do love without indifference, love boldly and for their entire lives. It's one of those things for me. Similar I always read the dedications page of a book first, I have even bought a book just because I have fallen in love with the dedication. Perhaps that is the writer in me, words are my dreams. So I know I am only going away for a month but it's still a scary prospect, I suppose anything different from the ordinary is a little scary. And of course being away from the people you love is never easy. I have been listening to Jason Mrazs' song 'Plane' '' I'm leaving your town again And I'm over the ground that you've been spinning And I'm up in the air Well I can see your house from here If the plane goes down I'll remember where the love was found Even only 24 hours under yor touch You know I need you so much I cannot wait to call you And tell you that I landed somewhere And hand you a square of the airport You make me somebody If the plane goes down I'll remember where the love was found'' But I think it's needed sometimes to be away from the people you love to make you realise how much you need them and want them in your life. For me, wanting someone fuels more passion towards them, needing someone is a whole different thing. I think when you genuinely want someone or something, you put in the effort to have them in your life. I think realising this is important, sort of follows the theory 'you dont know what you've got until it's gone'. It makes you appreciate the things that matter.