Long time no post. It is another beautiful day here, I am looking at a bright blue sky. I hear it's raining in Yorkshire so I will have to make the most of it before returning to the UK on Friday. I am posting a picture from a recent beach trip. There is one particular beach I like called 'Birdie Beach', which has sand dunes that curve round the endless beach. It is just beautiful. I can't believe the past few weeks have flown by, of course in many ways I am eager to get home and begin all the things I have had chance to organise while being here. But of course I am dreading that airport good-bye. But I remember in February when we last stood in Sydney airport unsure if or when we'd next see each other, and here I am, only a few months later. So I cling to that. No post would be complete without a quote ... '' One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching'' And a song- 'Calling all Angels' by Jane Siberry which I have always loved since I saw the film 'Pay it Forward' many years ago. I urge anyone who hasn't seen this film to watch it, a classic for a reason. I made Grant and Julia watch it last night and there wasn't a dry eye in sight.