It is raining in Yorkshire, lately it feels like it never stops. I would like to swim in blue salt water-Instead I am meeting a computer whizz who is teaching me everything I need to know about computers/photoshop-unlucky for him this may take a while...I am excited. Things have happened lately, people have entered and left, friends have moved away, families have been divided and it has made me think a lot about how lucky the majority of us are. But that sad thing is people who are blessed rarely know it, give thanks for it. I think we are conditioned to percieve lucky as big house, new car, holiday...etc. There is nothing wrong with wanting nice things, hell I am guilty myself of this. But I think the richness is already there, regardless of what car/house you do or don't own. I think we should all stop worrying about stuff that does not matter, to not procastinate, to not leave words unsaid, to not assume a tomorrow. And to say thank you more often, after all those who make us happy deserve our thanks.