It's been a long time since I wrote anything, so here goes. It is a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon and after a morning in the gym and an afternoon spent thinking and working, I feel super inspired. I spent the afternoon in Weetons, one of my fave spots. I can often be found in here, I will be the person hidden behind her laptop or more likely looking toward the window with a whimsical look on my face-if you listen carefully you'll here the cogs turning, light switches being turned on. Anyway, I haven't run away to join the circus I am just busy putting projects into action. Not one to sit down I have been working on some personal projects, the results of which you will see on the new website (which is still in production-i know i know it's taken forever). I have also been given the chance to show my work in Starbucks in both York (Coney St) and Harrogate (Sainsbury's)-so go take a look. I have a great shoot lined up this week which I am really looking forward to, I have some great locations lined up. So I promise to post some more images in a few days. Until then.
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